Creative thinking

Creative thinking
Artificial Intelligence creative thinking

September 14, 2023 - A study published in Scientific Reports suggests that large language model AI chatbots may be able to outperform the average human at a creative thinking task involving divergent thinking, but the human participants with the highest scores still outperformed the best chatbot responses. The study compared 256 human participants’ responses with those of three AI chatbots’ to an Alternate Uses Task for four objects, and found that the chatbot-generated responses scored significantly higher than the human responses for both semantic distance and creativity. However, the authors note that they only considered performance in a single task associated with the assessment of creativity and propose that future research could explore how AI can be integrated into the creative process to improve human performance.

Large language model chatbots are often perceived as creative thinkers due to their ability to generate new content and ideas based on vast amounts of data. Here are several ways in which these chatbots may exhibit creativity:

While their creativity is based on patterns learned from vast datasets, these models do not possess consciousness or intentionality. Their creativity is a product of sophisticated programming and data processing capabilities, rather than human-like creative thought processes.