Figurative language

Figurative language is a literary device used to convey ideas or emotions in a way that goes beyond the literal meaning of words. It employs various techniques like metaphors, similes, personification, hyperbole, and others to create more impactful or vivid expressions. Unlike literal language, where words mean exactly what they say, figurative language adds layers of complexity, invoking imagination or feelings to provide a deeper understanding of the context.

For example, saying "The world is your oyster" doesn't mean that the world is literally an oyster. Instead, it's a metaphorical way to suggest that you have the freedom and ability to go out and achieve whatever you want. Similarly, phrases like "It's raining cats and dogs" or "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse" are not to be taken literally but are hyperbolic expressions that emphasize the intensity of the situation.

Figurative language is commonly used in poetry, literature, and everyday speech to enrich meaning, create vivid imagery, and evoke emotional responses. It allows writers and speakers to express themselves in more creative and nuanced ways, making their messages more engaging and relatable.