Feedsee Networking : IPoIP : Image Processing over IP
Image Processing is the technique of manipulating or transforming an image to achieve desired features or effects. It is a type of signal processing in which the input is an image, like a photo or video frame, and the output could either be an image or characteristics/features associated with that image.
Over IP refers to sending data across internet protocol networks. IP, or Internet Protocol, is the principal communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. The most common examples include Voice over IP (VoIP) and Video over IP, where voice or video content is sent over IP networks like the internet.
Image Processing over IP is the processing of images that are transmitted over an IP network. This involves capturing images, sending them across a network, and then applying various image processing techniques, either in real-time or for later analysis. Applications range from surveillance systems to remote medical imaging.
In 2007, IPoIP, Image Processing over IP, from Agent Vi yielded lower bandwidth, achieved by having routine data sent in low bandwidth XML and transmitting only the occasional event in video; a library of algorithms to offer advanced functionality to each camera; and easy updates of software by sending software remotely to on-the-edge devices. The algorithm sub-sets at the IPoIP server constantly gathered information regarding the scene even when no events are occurring. This information was stored as meta-data along with the video recording and could be used to enable rapid and efficient searches recorded video content. It was able to update algorithms to all the devices on the network with a single download. Other systems typically required upgrades involving manual updates at each device. The company based its video analysis technology on open standards architecture so that it was easy to integrate with other supplier's technology, enabling partnerships with camera and device manufacturers that are including the IPoIP smart technology in their video equipment.